Wednesday, February 2, 2011

McCay: Little Nemo, Herrimans: Krazy Kat, Schultz: Peanuts, Watterson: Calvin and Hobbes

With this assignment, i could not start out with any other comic but to most definitely start out with Calvin and Hobbes.  Maybe it is because it was my childhood memory of comics, but i used to collect the books filled with their comics. 

Now reading Calvin much older, i start to understand a lot more than when i was young.  It's just a brilliant comic showing the imagination of a little boy(kid) that could consider anything to happen, such as a monster in a closet or a water monster in the tub with him.  Even his stuffed animal Hobbes, is made to be real in his imagination and then in another panel it comes back to reality where if the parents are by the tiger he is depicted as a stuffed animal.  This comic portrays a childhood that everyone can relate to through comedy of the  jokes that adults can even relate too. 

For the reading Little Nemo, bad on my part.  I thought i was reading the right thing, but i guess i was not.  I happened to read the nemo classics, and i have to say going from Calvin to Hobbes to the nemo classics, i was bored and found myself not being interested in the comic.  But after class, listening to the class discussion i read it after class the right little nemo, and i enjoyed it.  I like how it is a dream sort of land that makes you more interested in the environment more than the characters.  I found my eyes following the environment more than the characters.  I also notcied that the parents in this comic seems to not really care for nemo's imaginative creative work, not like how calvin's parents would just pretend that would listen or maybe do and go along with it.  Like how Calvin's mom told him that she was making an eyeball stew from a crazy animal, and he seemed to be more interested in that than the spaghetti. 

And the other comic that i read, was Krazy kat, since i never heard of this comic.  I liked how simple it was as an illustrator, and how it shows a dream to reality really well.  For example, the one comic strip the dream was in numbers ( the panels) and then when it turned into reality the numbers turned into numeral numbers and started off at one again.  It makes it separate, but yet it is still so together.  In our class discussion i didn't notice until it was brought up, but even the environment background always changes even if it is not a drastic change where the character is. 

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